Daily rheumatic complaints in the finger joints
Daily rheumatic complaints in the finger joints

From the practice: And the finger joints suddenly hurt daily after waking up!

Mr H. woke up one day with pains in his finger joints which would disappear after a few minutes of movement. However, the presumed inflammation did not ease after weeks and months, so Mr H. visited the physician. After the visit, there was a significant indication according to the doctor, stage 1 rheumatism, and a formula for a treatment to put off the problem by up to 20 years.

Recommended to put off rheumatic complaints by 20 years.
Recommended to put off rheumatic complaints by 20 years.

Mr H. was not ready to accept this, so he visited an alternative practitioner. The result: it could be due to electrosmog, the signs from the body given via dowsing rod and meridian measurements are clear. Because the patient comes from IT, this was dismissed as “nonsense” and the next appointment with the rheumatologist was scheduled, the surprising thing was having to wait for 2-3 months, despite private insurance, which was very unusual. The talk with the specialist showed how an unbelievable amount of people suffer from rheumatic complaints, as well as pains in the spine, neck, joints, etc, which these people have suffered from for years most of the time, not to mention sleeping problems.

Electric burden above the measurable range
Electric burden above the measurable range

The appointment with the specialist brought significant information regarding nutrition and movement, but information about external influences as well – electrosmog again. Willing to expand his horizons, Mr H. looked online for specialists who could check electrosmog and found the GEOVITAL Academy for radiation protection.

An examination of the bedroom then confirmed the alternative practitioner and specialist’s suspicions. Very heavy burdens caused by low- and high-frequency, as well as a strong tension field caused by a fault.



As if rheumatic complaints were blown away

Because installing the mains disconnector did not give the desired result (wooden houses are problematic – climatic DREAM, electrobiological NIGHTMARE), the bedroom was moved and the bed was adjusted in the new bedroom according to the measurements and geobiologically shield as well as possible.

Radio transmitter in the neighborhood
Radio transmitter in the neighborhood

After 4 days, Mr H. rang the GEOVITAL Academy, all of the complaints had gone after just 4 days – without a single pill. This call took place in September 2011. In October 2011, Mr H. took part in the academy’s geobiology seminar to get much more information about geobiology and sleeping.

A new check for existing geopathies that was carried out months later showed a significant improvement in the body’s stress value, although it was still not ideal. A relocation to an effectively shielded condominium without high-voltage lines, transformer stations and cell towers next door is planned.



» More progress reports from the geobiological practice


Frequent symptoms of a geopathy