CBD Mani Drops + Melatonin can help with the problem of falling asleep and staying asleep.
The pioneering formulation of our Mani Drops with melatonin can initiate a healthy sleep cycle. Nordic Oils unique liposomal formula allows the active ingredient CBD to penetrate deep into the tissue to promote a more structured and restful sleep. Unlike pharmaceutical sleeping pills, Nordic Oil uses only natural substances to limit the symptoms of stress and sleep deprivation. Sleep is the body’s most important regenerative process. Innumerable physical and mental illnesses are associated with sleep disorders.
These Mani oral drops can help with sleep problems and sleep problems. The combination of CBD and the body’s own sleep hormone melatonin creates ideal conditions for a healthy and restful sleep. Each bottle contains 30 ml of liquid containing 75 mg of CBD and 45 mg of melatonin and is sufficient for 60 applications.
Created by nature - perfected by Nordic OilDetails on CBD Mani Drops + Melatonin
- Vegan
- Gluten free
- Lactose free
- Not ionized
- Not irradiated
- 30 ml = 10.8 kcal
- Not genetically modified
- Annual external laboratory tests
- Full Spectrum Cannabis Sativa Extract
- Characteristic enjoyable taste, slightly bitter
- CBD from 100% certified European industrial hemp
- Golden to slightly brownish color (natural coloring by the cannabis sativa plant extract)
- The product meets the European limits for certain contaminants in food
What is CBD? What is the effect of cannabidiol?
This question is currently not very easy to answer. Basically, the results available so far are promising and the effect of CBD is confirmed in many ways. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a barely-psychoactive cannabinoid of female hemp. From a medical point of view, the anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic effect of CBD is known today and it also helps with nausea. Other pharmacological effects, such as an antipsychotic effect, however, are still being explored. In any case, CBD continues to question science.
How can the CBD molecule affect so many different parts of the body? And why does this substance cause partly contradictory effects (such as improving sleep quality and at the same time optimizing wakefulness)? In summary, these questions are often answered by the adaptogenic (= adaptive or modulating) effect of CBD.
Maybe that’s why CBD is not so easy to detect medically as the human body can produce cannabinoids themselves, called endocannabinoids, and these are of particular importance in the neural network. Meanwhile, a team of scientists from brain research could typify this substance as a messenger. A messenger that is even able to mimic the intoxicating effects of THC. At this point, it raises the interesting question of how it can be that a natural substance that even the human body can simulate is prohibited by the Narcotic Substance Act, but alcohol is legal despite all harmful effects. Of course – not every question needs a comprehensible answer.
In the course of the Health Claims Regulation, we must appeal to the possible form regarding the healthy effects of CBD on the human body. CBD can have a positive effect on the human nervous system and have a supporting effect here.

What is melatonin?
Melatonin has a number of functions for human health, especially in the sleep-wake cycle. Humans naturally produce the hormone melatonin in the epiphysis (pineal gland). The daily rhythm of the body influences the sleep-wake cycle and determines the amount of melatonin that the body produces. Melatonin levels naturally increase in the late afternoon and drop in the morning. This allows for a healthy and habitual sleep pattern. However, the presence of blue light from electronic devices and displays disrupt melatonin biosynthesis, making it difficult for more and more people to find a good night’s sleep in times of digitization. When supplemented with melatonin, this may assist in prolonged and better sleep, despite blue light and other factors, e.g. Stress in everyday life. Nordic Oil therefore uses melatonin to shorten the sleep-latency period, allowing for a faster onset of sleep.
The sleep cycle and consequences of sleep disorders
A healthy sleep is one of the most important processes for the regeneration of body and mind. During the periodically recurring light sleep phases and deep sleep phases within a sleep cycle, the frequency of brain activity also varies. During this time, what has been learned is stored, and the experiences and emotions of the day are processed. The growth hormone secreted at night ensures the reconstruction of damaged tissue. This happens mainly during the first two deep sleep phases. This is called core sleep, because here the most important integrative processes of the brain take place.
The consequences of too little or irregular sleep are manifold: the immune system is weakened, the physical and mental responsiveness diminishes and the learned is stored less effectively. The long-term consequences of sleep deprivation are e.g. Hypertension (hypertension) and associated increased risk of strokes, diabetes and heart attack. Also, depression, loss of libido, etc. are often directly related to sleep disorders.
Sleep disorders have many causes. Physical, emotional or mental stress leads to central nervous tension. Mind circles and nervous excitement do not let us rest. Chronic pain, which is typically more intense in the evenings, makes it difficult to fall asleep. Also, the increasing work on screens until late in the evening delays the body’s own melatonin production and thus the possibility to exploit the essential core sleep. And what humans generally underestimate is the massive influence of environmental influences, right up to the permanent burden of EMF (electrosmog) on the entire nervous system. Due to the building biological metrological work and observation of PROnatur24 by and with patients in practice, this massive influence on the quality of sleep became very clear.
The interaction of CBD and melatonin
While CBD does not induce sleep, it can positively affect sleep quality through various effects in the body. The anxiolytic (anxiolytic) and antipsychotic effects can help reduce subconscious and / or emotional stress. The antispasmodic (anticonvulsant) effect reduces muscular tension. The anticonvulsant (antiepileptic) effect of CBD also prevents over-excitability of the nerve cells of the brain. CBD supports the relaxation of body, mind and soul.
Melatonin, on the other hand, has a primarily sleep-inducing effect. It is also referred to as sleep hormone or night hormone. An increasing concentration of this hormone in the blood initiates the resting phase in the body. The evening decreasing light intensity causes an increasing melatonin production. If the action of light is artificially prolonged, this also inhibits the production of melatonin. We feel this effect when we work long hours on the screen in the evening. Shift work or air travel over several time zones lead to the well-known jet lag, ie the effect of delayed melatonin production.
What does “liposomal” mean?
Our CBD Mani Drops + Melatonin is a liposomal formula. Liposomes (small capsular structures) are a novel form of drug delivery system that is safer and faster than many other traditional methods. They work by encapsulating the ingredients in liquid form in their nucleus, making them readily available for direct cell uptake. Effective liposomes protect against digestive enzymes and ensure that the valuable substances of our multivitamin preparation reach the body where they are supposed to be. Bioavailability may increase approximately threefold compared to an oil preparation, studies suggest.
CBD: production using the CO2 method
For the recovery of our CBD oil, we rely on a specific method that uses high pressures and low temperatures to precisely extract and protect the CBD essence. Useful molecules, which are often lost in other methods, are retained and the result is a pure, potent and natural extract.
CBD: cultivation of the plant
The hemp extract comes from plants of certified industrial hemp.
What are the benefits of CBD (Cannabidiol)?
Weed (Cannabis) vs. Alcohol. How harmful is consumption?
So the CBD Mani Drops + Melatonin is stored correctly
- Please store cool and dark.
- After opening, the Mani drops are stable in the fridge for about two months.
- If the product is cooled, flocculation may occur. These dissolve again at room temperature.
Ingestion of CBD Mani Drops + Melatonin for optimal effect
- Add 1 x 0.5 ml of mani drops directly into the mouth 30 minutes before going to bed or mix with water or juice.
- Use the pipette for dosing. Pay attention to the centered 0.5ml mark.
- For improved absorption of the CBD, we recommend taking the drops in combination with a small amount of fatty food or drink (oil, coconut milk, butter, …).
Stella –
Endlich durchschlafen.
Isaiah (verified owner) –
Best cbd for sleep I’ve every used. Really helped me with my insomnia problems
Elke Witte –
Ich werde die 2. Bestellung abgeben, da ich nunmehr nach 2 Monaten Einnahme von Mani die hervorragende Wirkung bestätigen kann. Mani hat mir die Erlösung von meinen jahrelangen Schlafproblemen gebracht. Ich bin Ihnen sehr dankbar für Ihr hervorragendes Produkt. Die Einnahme durch die Pipette ist einfach zu bewerkstellen. Die Qualität nach meinem Dafürhalten sehr gut.
Dr. Werner –
Heute morgen erhielt ich die Lieferung meiner Bestellung. Alles in Ordnung!
Ich schreibe Ihnen, um Ihnen meinen Dank auszudrücken für den vertrauensvolle Versand “auf Rechnung”, die ich sogleich per Überweisung beglichen habe. Danke auch für die angenehme Abwicklung des Verkaufsvorgangs mit umfangreichen, exakten Informationen. Hier fühle ich mich als Kunde ernst genommen und betreut. Leider findet man das ja heutzutage nur noch selten bis gar nicht mehr.
Ich werde auch weiterhin bei Ihnen einkaufen und wünsche Ihrem gesamten Team Glück und Erfolg.