PREMIUM GHEE is the most enjoyable thing that can happen in your kitchen. Ayurvedic clarified butter made out of 100% hay milk. A sensation for healthy cooking, roasting, and baking. Ideal for low-carb and ketogenic diets.
Our PREMIUM GHEE is obtained from the freshest sweet cream alp butter from the Bregenz Forest Alps. The base of this butter is 100% the best hay milk, also from the Alpine region of the Bregenz Forest in West Austria. All bon vivants and people who enjoy real, pure butter know of the extremely high quality of milk and subsequent enjoyment we are talking about here.
Get ready for a new level of pleasure with your cooking and experience excitement at the table.
Our pure butter fat is completely free of stigmasterol and lactose.
PREMIUM GHEE is also perfectly suitable for ketogenic and low-carb diets. Easy to digest.
The intensification of the original taste of food through this GHEE is unbelievable. Fats are generally very good flavor carriers, but we also take the full butter aroma of the previously fresh Alpine sweet cream butter. For this reason, we call this ghee PREMIUM GHEE because it is simply different, simply better. It is very high-quality within the ghee family and cannot be compared to industrially manufactured mass products.
Whether it’s for ROASTING, COOKING OR BAKING, our PREMIUM GHEE has a considerable effect on all dishes that are made with it. All meals remain succulent and taste excellent with the particular taste of PREMIUM GHEE. Try it yourself!
Completely free of preservatives, you have a universal fat for ayurvedic cooking and generally for particularly fine cooking in your hands with our PREMIUM GHEE. Perfectly suitable for roasting schnitzels, steaks, or vegetables in the pan, where it doesn’t spray and builds a nice brown crust. When baking, it is more than just a suitable butter replacement – simply great!

PREMIUM GHEE, change in diet and ketogenic or low-carb diet
Eating the wrong food is one of the main reasons that obesity is a civilization disease. Diets also do not sort this problem out – they only have the well-known yo-yo effect. Regulating your weight long-term can only be done with a change of diet, which requires you to know about dieting. We won’t go into further detail on this topic, but we will leave the “WIRK cookbook“. Because: “What people eat is not necessarily food for people!”
A ketogenic or low-carb diet is a possible way of changing your diet. Our PREMIUM GHEE is obviously no way to become thin, we purely recommend it as high-quality natural and enjoyable alternative to classic butter and oils for cooking, roasting and baking. However, our PREMIUM GHEE is perfectly suited to anyone who envisages changing their diet to a “ketogenic / low-carb” diet.
Properties and shelf life of the PREMIUM GHEE
PREMIUM GHEE can also be heated to higher temperatures (the smoke point is 205 °C) – therefore it is also a perfect fit for roasts. It is also possible to deep-fry, but our PREMIUM GHEE is almost too good for that, right?
Our PREMIUM GHEE has a much longer shelf life than butter because of its low water content. Uncooled, it has a shelf life of min. 2 months, and it will last for many more months if cooled. We generally recommend storing our PREMIUM GHEE in the fridge between 3 °C and 9 °C.

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