These cancer guidelines help with holistic cancer treatment.
The author, Hans Gruber from Krebs 21 e.V., covers this life-altering diagnosis, cancer, over 36 pages. These guidelines cover known causes or the background that can ultimately lead to the diagnosis of cancer.

Table of contents of these cancer guidelines
- LSA value provision
- Selenium administration for cancer
- Cancer through geopathy
- The microwave
- Familiar environment
- The acid-base balance
- Levorotatory lactic acid / dextrorotatory lactic acid
- Intestinal repair
- Change of diet according to Dr. Johanna Budwig
- There are no plant-based omega-3 fatty acids
- Embrocations, compresses and enemas with ELDI oils
- The quark linseed oil cream and quantum mechanical resonance
- The electron robber
- Important information about the quark linseed oil cream
- On one’s own account
- Fruit and vegetable juices according to Dr. Max Gerson
- Detoxing with coffee enemas
- Holistic cancer treatment and its failure
- Hopefully it doesn’t happen to me
- Cancer theories
- Experts of holistic cancer medicine
- Lack of adrenaline as a cause of cancer
- The Candida albicans theory
- An almost unbelievable history
- Dr. med. Dr. phil. Johannes Kuhl and his lactic acid diet
- The 3E program
- My personal observations
- Which treatment should I start if I have cancer
- What your therapist should discuss with you in all cases!
We help make these guidelines available free of charge!

The cancer situation is life-changing diagnosis and turns previous everyday life upside down. The important thing here is to keep “cool head” and to deal with the issue of cancer. Cancer can be treated successfully, even if most people think immediately of death at first. It can generally be said that cancer is most often the result of longstanding history.
These guidelines give a good insight of the symptoms of cancer and the associated factors to those affected, as well as those interested. Accurate and clear information is crucial to understanding cancer. Hans Gruber from Krebs 21 e.V. wants to start here and has developed these guidelines with his founded knowledge as a cancer advisor. He also offers these as a gift. We at PROnatur24 support him with this as the topic of cancer is simply too important and can concern everyone directly or indirectly.
Cornelia –
Herzlichen Dank für diese wertvolle pdf-Broschüre!!!
Sigrid M. –
Ein sehr guter Leitfaden für eine Krebstherapie . Einfach und verständlich leicht durchzuführen. Ich selber habe vor 16 Jahren die besten Erfahrungen mit der Öl-Eiweiß Kost gemacht.
Dietmar –
Dealing with the issue of CANCER should be a mandatory program for everyone who is interested in holistic health. There is definitely a lot to learn in here.