Flagge Österreich

Logo CBDprime®


CBDprime®, a shop of
Webdeals Shops GmbH
Holzbodenweg 6
AT- 6858 Schwarzach

📞 +43 5574 24010
📧 info (at) cbdprime.shop

📞 We are best reached by phone.
Monday to Friday from 13:00 – 20:00 h
Timezone: GMT+2

Online shop without a place of business. We don’t have time for opening hours!

Legal Information
Company register: 560462i
VAT: ATU77256023
VAT: DE348349304
Jurisdiction: 6900 Bregenz, Austria
CEO: Dietmar Hohn, Mag. (FH) Stephan Hohn

This webshop is operated by Webdeals Shops GmbH on behalf of “PROnatur24 Handels e.U., AT- 6922 Wolfurt”.
“Webdeals Shops GmbH” is the contractual partner and responsible for all content and orders placed in the webshop.

Copyright and liability

Legal notice for our social media profiles and pages:
This legal notice also applies to our social media profiles and pages on Facebook, Google Plus, etc.

Basic objective
CBDprime® is assigned to the online health portal “PROnatur24”. The site is used for the information and sale of products, services and events on the topic of health by PROnatur24.

The contents of thisss website are protected by copyright. Personal use of the contents is authorized as long as the ©PROnatur24 copyright label is clearly visible; underneath graphics, or within the first paragraph of textual content. All duplication, presentation, sending, letting, and/or lending of the website or its contents without the permission of the copyright owner is forbidden and will have legal consequences. All trademarks and products are the property of their respective owners and should be considered as such.

Links to this site can be made after prior consultation. This website’s operator is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of the listed information, downloads, and/or data.

We would like to stress that we have no influence on the design or contents of the linked sites. For this reason, we distance ourselves from the contents of all linked sites on our website, including all sub-sites. This explanation applies to all of the links displayed on our homepage and for all of the contents of pages to which links or banners lead.

We would like to stress that we have no influence on the design or contents of the linked sites. For this reason, we distance ourselves from the contents of all linked sites on our website, including all sub-sites. This explanation applies to all of the links displayed on our homepage and for all of the contents of pages to which links or banners lead.

Proof of images
Images @ 123rf.com
Images @ fotolia.com

Proof of multimedia

European mediation center

Online dispute settlement in accordance with Art. 14, Paragraph 1 ODR-VO: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute settlement, which you can find at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. We do not see the need for a mediation center, so we will not take part, but we are legally obligated to point it out.

Graphics, technical support

PROnatur24 Handels e.U. – AUSTRIA – www.pronatur24.eu

Raade GmbH, Fullserviceagentur für digitale Transformation – AUSTRIA – www.raade.at